by test Medley | Jul 14, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
Baby Harry 6 weeks old, won’t settle with shush pat A bit of persistence pays off Harry was 6 weeks old when mum reached out to us for help with his settling. She had a good sleep routine and good sleep hygiene, but just couldn’t settle Harry in his bassinet or cot... by test Medley | Jul 14, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
Baby James 9 weeks old James was a healthy 6kg when mum came to us for help. She had gotten him well established on the 6 week routine, he was napping 8.30-10am, and then 11.30-2pm, with a solid 4-5pm nap at the end of the day. The problem was his nights. Most nights... by test Medley | Jul 13, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
6 week old Lily Loved her SNOO eventually When Mum was pregnant with Lily she had been gifted a SNOO second hand by a friend who had raved about it. But then once Lily was born another friend had come over and seen Lily in the SNOO and made remarks about how that... by test Medley | Jul 13, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
2 month old baby Reese Reflux and allergies Reese was a super unsettled little boy, who had experienced a rough start. He was diagnosed at 3 weeks with reflux and it had taken 2 med changes and 2 formula changes before he started to really thrive weight wise, and stop... by test Medley | Jul 13, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
10 week old Esther dummy not working… Ditching the dummy Esther was a healthy formula fed 10 week old baby who was sleeping with a dummy when mum called us for help. The dummy had been great in the early weeks because Esther from formula fed she needed to suck on... by test Medley | Jul 13, 2023 | Baby Sleep Consultant, newborn case study
12 week old Layla escaping her swaddle She was ready to be weaned Layla had been wrapped in a miracle blanket since she was born and until 11 weeks had been a relatively good sleeper. Mum called when Layla was 12 weeks because she was starting to really fight and...
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