Sleep Meditation

Sleep Meditation Once stories with the night light on have finished, start animal sleep meditation. Let your toddler choose in the morning which animal they will be when they fall asleep that night, this is giving your toddler a limited choice and some control over...


Rules Great for impulse control, any change in how your child is going to sleep, removal of any sleep association, changing a rule around where you expect your child to sleep, or an early wake. Creating a bed time rules poster is a very important part of establishing...

Role Play

Role Play Great for lack of impulse control, changing a sleep association like feeding or bed sharing, or coming out of their room at night. Carrying out any role play is super effective for showing toddlers exactly how it is that you expect them to behave around a...

Sleep Book

Sleep Book (1.5-4  years) Great for big changes like no more feeding to sleep, lying with you to sleep, or a change of bedroom. Creating a sleep book is another creative way to engage your toddler in a positive dialogue about sleep and reinforce new ideas without...